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The Ultimate Guide: Getting Started With Bold & Reeves

Our mission is to protect the value and reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) for your luxury property. With increasingly complex moving parts, luxury homes require a proactive approach to maintenance much like a yacht or car. We help homeowners understand their TCO and then work to reduce it. Want to learn how? Here’s our ultimate guide on getting started with Bold & Reeves. 

A Dedicated Property Manager

When you become a Bold & Reeves client, you will be partnered with a dedicated property manager. They will be your primary point of contact for all maintenance and any queries. All of our property managers are seasoned in the nuances of luxury property care and will reach out to introduce themselves. They can be contacted at any time, 24/7, through the client portal and app messaging service.

The Property Review

We will then start with a thorough assessment of your property portfolio. Your dedicated property manager will schedule a visit to your property or properties at your convenience. 

This assessment will include an examination of all your electrical assets to ensure they are in full working order. Photos and user manuals for each item will be stored on the client portal. As well as this, additional photos of any areas of concern around the property will be uploaded to the portal and inform our proactive maintenance schedule. 

Remote Monitoring 

Following the property assessment, we can fit monitors to your plant room. Internet-connected hardware is physically attached to critical assets (e.g. pumps, boilers and lifts) and sends signals about their performance to our alert system. If an asset’s vitals divert from normal trends, we are immediately notified to fix the problem. All of this activity is loaded onto the client portal and fully visible to our whole team and to you. 

Access to the Client Portal 

You will be given access to the client portal, which holds in-depth information on all works carried out at your property. This includes work that has been completed, work due to be done and what it has all cost. You can access the client portal 24/7 through your Mac, PC or via an iOS app with your personal username and password. 

Here, you’ll find a property overview, a property schedule that lists all maintenance activity past, present and future, important Bold & Reeves contacts, and general news and tips. You can also access information for your entire property portfolio if you have more than one residence under our care. 

Smart Accounting

At Bold & Reeves, we work by paying all the invoices on behalf of a client so that they only have to pay us one monthly bill. We work with reliable contractors at industry rates to offer complete transparency, value for money and discounted rates. All invoices are stored on the client portal and can be traced back to the exact task on the system. And we provide an overview of what bills relate to reactionary calls or planned maintenance.

Monthly Reports

Using our technology, we gather all the accounting information and provide monthly and annual breakdowns of the exact percentage of work related to reactive and planned maintenance. Each month, we review these figures to ensure we are on track, and if there are any anomalies in costing and price, we will provide a breakdown of exactly what those costs are and why they were submitted. This helps our clients to manage their expenses and budgets in an optimal way, helping to reduce the TCO. 

For any more information, please contact Bill Shipton: